On International Women’s Day, it is important to reflect on the role and contribution of women in the business environment. At Citrusfranco, we deeply value the role of women and take pride in highlighting the significant impact they have had on all aspects of our company.
As our General Manager, Gabriela Baez, mentions: “In a business environment traditionally dominated by men, we, as women, have managed to forge a significant space.” These words perfectly summarize Citrusfranco’s commitment to the inclusion and empowerment of women. From leadership to organization, consultancy, and quality, women have played a fundamental role in the success and growth of our company.
At Citrusfranco, we honor the legacy of the brave women who came before us, as well as the ongoing commitment of our own colleagues to excellence and innovation. We remain committed to creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued, and where all women can thrive and reach their full potential.
You can read more about our International Women’s Day article in the Newsletter CF