Our Story: Weaving Success Across Generation

Decades ago, in the heart of the land, Juan Bautista Rotta began his story. From a young age, he immersed himself in the world of hard work in the fields, learning every furrow and every secret that the land had to offer. His life was an example of perseverance and dedication, starting from a young age to till the land with his own hands. Each day, each drop of sweat, was an investment in a growing dream.
At the age of 26, Juan Bautista Rotta took a bold step. With determination rooted in his spirit, he acquired the land that would become the soul of CITRUS FRANCO.

The seed of this story was planted in 1997 when the family received the blessing of a new member, Manuel Juan Rotta’s first child, the first grandchild who would give name to this company. Not only did a blessing arrive, but also a bold vision. In the loom of life, Juan Bautista Rotta and his son, Manuel Juan Rotta, brought to life a dream that endures today as CITRUS FRANCO.

his legacy began with Manuel Juan’s bold vision, who, with a spark of inspiration, proposed an investment that would transform the Rotta family’s horizon. United by the desire to build something enduring, father and son decided to materialize this dream with their savings, the fruit of years of tireless work in the land, where this investment would become the foundation of a prosperous future.

With their savings, the result of years of dedicated work in the land, father and son began the construction of the first part of the packaging facility. Each brick symbolized the strength of their commitment and the beginning of a family tradition.

The year 2002 marked a crucial chapter. Guided by a vision that transcended borders and backed by the unwavering support of their clients, they decided to embark on an investment to offer export services. They learned, grew, and adapted day by day, overcoming challenges with tenacity and determination.

Since then, CITRUS FRANCO has evolved, focusing on export service and the domestic market. Every box that leaves its facilities carries with it the story of a family that turned adversities into opportunities, with an eye on the horizon of someday becoming prominent exporters.

The shared vision and strength inherited from generation to generation have led CITRUS FRANCO to weave its success over time. With every fruit that travels from its packaging, a story of dedication, growth, and a constant commitment to excellence is told.



We are an industrial company dedicated to providing exporting services to multiple destinations. With our own local market and to others.


Positioning CITRUSFRANCO as a forefront packaging, known for the quality, efficiency and innovation of their processes, optimizing packaging circuits based on cutting- edge technologies and taking a step forward to the international market exporting our products.


Customer orientation
We are committed to attend the needs of our internal and external customers and consumers committing deeply and running excellence processes.

Integrity sustained by honesty and respect.
We keep a permanent commitment with honesty and respect. We act by being consistent between what we do, what we think and what we say. We preserve the corporate and collaborators assets.

Development of our human capital
We foster a high motivation and recognition environment that pushes us to succeed in the results. We support our collaborators initiatives promoting each person to choose with their actions how much they want to grow. We commit to train our human capital for the development of skills and competences allowing us to achieve the expected results.